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Our recruitment tests, reserved for companies, enable us to carry out reliable evaluations of candidates.

Our recruitment tests assess the personality, aptitudes and motivation of candidates.

Our other tests for human resources enable the detection of potential and the development of talent.

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For 30 years SIGMUND has been a specialist in personality testing, psycho-technical testing and psychological testing for recruitment, skills assessment, talent management and development.

Our tests allow companies to carry out specific tests and evaluation exercises by job categories.

Analyse détailléA simple and effective test for a detailed analysis of your candidates:

Our test is designed to be simple and effective, allowing you to quickly and intuitively use it to measure professional skills and reliably assess your candidates before they are hired.

At the end of the test, you have instant access to clear assessments by skill type and level of responsibility. This explicit and easy-to-use tool allows you to conduct quality interviews and obtain relevant answers to inform your decision-making.

evaluationOur recruitment test reliably guarantees an assessment of candidates before they are hired, regardless of the position to be filled.

Dedicated to recruitment managers, our personality test and intelligence test allow online evaluation before recruitment of the person who will be best suited to the position and who will perform best.

Our tests can be taken online and allow candidates' answers to be collected from any computer, tablet or telephone connected to the Internet.

En ligneOnline assessment solutions for a reliable response:

Our recruitment test is used by the recruitment manager for candidate recruitment as well as for talent development, career management, internal mobility, team audit, skills development, detection of potential, corporate risk assessment, annual assessment....

Among our different types of tests, the personality test, the IQ test and the motivation test are used for the recruitment of candidates in companies in order to find the best candidates for the positions to be filled.

With a minimum of work, our recruitment tool allows, thanks to the selection of the tests best suited to the profile to be recruited, a rigorous recruitment process with the passing of personality tests, but also the passing of technical tests to fill vacancies.

EntretiensOur test is a reliable and objective reflection support to optimise your Interviews and make your decision-making more reliable. We accompany you in your evaluations with the most complete catalogue of different types of tests on the market. We also offer you training in interpreting the results and using the tests to optimise your recruitment and interview techniques. Finally, our teams will advise you and provide you with answers in the choice and customisation of recruitment tests and in the creation of your job references.

validéA validated test :

With more than one million tests performed, SIGMUND is one of the world leaders in tests for Human Resources professionals and recruitment agencies. Each psychometric test is built with a rigorous approach based on a scientific methodology that we have perfected over the last 30 years. Each test is subject to calibration, validity and Fiability work.


Our different types of tests for recruitment include a personality test, a psychological test, an IQ test (reasoning, dominoes, logic, verbal, writing) and psycho-technical tests for all levels of employment, for both executive positions, sales jobs and management positions. All our tests are translated, validated and calibrated in more than 30 countries.


NewsRecruitment test and the personality test news 

The Internet is overturning recruitment methods

Sep 16, 2018, 17:07 PM by System
We are already familiar with classic recruitment methods (CV, evaluation testsBut with the development of the web, social networks and changing modes of communication, these could quickly become obsolete.

Jérôme Ternynck, CEO of the American company Smartrecruiters, publisher of recruitment assistance software, reveals the new trends that are developing in the field of recruitment in the United States, and which will undoubtedly be used in France tomorrow...

The job interviewwhich nowadays takes place most often face-to-face, will increasingly be done via real-time video, enabling a immediate recruitment. This technology eliminates travel costs and reduces the time spent by the manager in searching for candidates.
"As much as I wouldn't recruit someone just by phone, the conversation on video is very similar to that of a face-to-face interview," explains Jérôme Ternynck.
Some websites have even specialised in recruitment videolike ImageInPeople, or Sonru.

Social media are also playing an increasing role in recruitment. They allow toassess and test candidates in a more playful way.

It is now possible to create job sites on social networks, thanks to applications. One of them, Work4Labs, was created on Facebook.

Some companies have also specialised in the big datawhich is characterised by giant databases, based on the indexing and consolidation of our digital footprint (made up of the tastes and interests of Internet users, which they scatter over the Internet according to the services they use).

With these many changes, the CV may well have to disappear in the coming years, in favour of more interactive and accessible tools.

" Info-Plus " The different methods of recruitment support

As stated in thearticle L.1221-8 from Code from travail before implementing an assessment method or technique, the employee must be informed in advance.

In addition, the results obtained must be confidential and relevant to the intended purpose.

These techniques and methods allow the employer to put the candidate in a real-life situation, in order to ensure that he or she corresponds to the desired profile and, above all, that he or she has the required skills.

For example, it may involve role-plays, personality tests, the production of a written document...

Attention : certaines techniques, comme les tests astrologiques ou graphologiques ne sont pas reconnues pertinentes et fiables par les responsables des ressources humaines, en dehors de toute autre technique d'évaluation des compétences from candidat.
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