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Employee experience and new HR skills

Nov 10, 2018, 16:47 PM by laurent schwartz
compétences RH

Today in our everyday life we all have smartphones and we use a lot of online services but often in the company it's not quite the same.

We can see that there is a real gap between our consumption of services with, for example, our bank and our energy supplier, unfortunately internally, and with the HR department it's a little different.

And yet today it is a real expectation of employees to have access to mobile solutions and quick answers to their questions when they want and where they want.

There are several trends in the world of human resources that make it necessary to ask the question of employee experience globally.

This shows that the teams are becoming more and more flexible.

You have to invest in order to know a little more about the needs of your teams and to know exactly what their experience in the company is.

Getting to know the experience of employees better is a real challenge for companies. First of all, it helps to improve employee commitment.

The more we know about the different interactions we will have with them over the course of their life as an employee, the more we can be proactive and offer them services that really interest them.

We gain in terms of retention to invest in employee experience. This requires human resources to acquire new skills.

For example, we are going to talk about HR marketing. The idea is to get to know the employees better, what their expectations are and perhaps also to have different services to offer them depending on who they are and where they are.

Of course, this also requires better management of communication, investing in the experience of employees.

It is also to communicate with them to speak the same language as the employees. You don't have to speak a technical HR language, but a language that everyone will understand.

This may also require the development of design skills in order to be able to monitor the employee's career path.

These are all skills that HR needs to acquire today.

I have two pieces of advice for HR managers who would like to take an interest in employee experience.

The first is that since we are talking about employee experience, you have to work with them, you have to get to know them and therefore my advice is to hold workshops with them.

My second piece of advice is that in order to develop employee experience you need to invest in new skills. However, chances are you already have these skills in your company, so don't hesitate to ask your colleague in design communication marketing for help.

So many key people who will be able to help you to invest in the experience of your employees as we do in business today

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